What are the simple Habits of People Who Command Respect ?

Respect. Everybody wants it. Here's how to get it Respect. It's something everyone (and not just Aretha Franklin) craves. After all, it's human nature to want to be viewed as intelligent and accomplished. But most of us don't want to demand that high opinion in a way that's aggressive and authoritative. Admittedly, commanding respect from others--particularly older and more experienced industry leaders--is something I've struggled with. As a female business owner in my mid-20s, I've come across my fair share of esteemed professionals at networking events who have legitimately referred to my work as "cute." Yes, it's enough to make me want to roll my eyes and make a gagging sound. But instead of getting bent out of shape about those uneducated opinions, I quickly realized something important: Eliciting respect from others is a responsibility that lies solely on my shoulders. As cheesy as it sounds, you truly teach people how to trea...