Why the Most Productive People Start Their Day at 4 a.m. (Yes, We're Serious).

Apple CEO Tim Cook starts his day at 3:45 a.m. Here's why you shouldn't miss the boat on this new trend. A few days ago, I shared my thoughts on what billionaire entrepreneurs do to stay productive in their spare time. What I didn't know is that there's a recent productivity trend on the rise. A number of successful leaders and entrepreneurs, I have found, are declaring that they are most productive while the majority of us are still under the covers in a deep sleep. The 4 a.m. productivity shift. A new report published in the Wall Street Journal says that 4 a.m. may be the most productive time of the day. The reasons behind the increased productivity at such an ungodly hour include: Minimal distractions (like kids or work) before the sun rises. No one is emailing or texting you. There's less to see on social media. Productivity in this context may not necessarily be work-related. The trend seems to be pointing toward reserving th...