17 Things These Executives Wish They Had Known From the Start

Hindsight is the best teacher. Imagine if you could travel back to when you were beginning your career, but with the wisdom you possess today. Would you do anything differently? Here's what these successful leaders say they wish their younger selves would have known. 1. Learn to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. "As an entrepreneur, taking risks is extremely important but it is the resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity that really counts. It is important to take risks and learn to be comfortable with being uncomfortable as you persevere in the face of adversity." --Telle Whitney, CEO of Anita Borg Institute , which connects, inspires and guides women technologists and organizations that view technology innovation as a strategic imperative. 2. Avoid all habits. "Many entrepreneurs think there's a secret formula for habits of successful people, but in my experience, routine and habits are anathema to entrepreneurialis...