12 Things You Should Never Say to Your Millennial Employees

Respecting the gap Millennials bring fresh perspectives to the workplace. And more than any earlier generation, they have a clear sense of what they will (and won’t ) tolerate. If you want your best employees to stick around, avoid these phrases. 1. Don't be too extreme with your sense of authority. Respectful interaction is important. That means engaging in conversation, and welcoming questions and feedback. 2. Young workers thrive on encouragement and empowerment. Dismissing their ideas out of hand--instead of discussing the positive and negatives--will shut them down completely. 3. Millennials require the freedom to engage, create, and innovate. In their view, tradition is less important than innovation. 4. Every generation says this to the next--remember how lousy it made you feel to hear it? Don’t discount a Millennial’s efforts--or anyone’s. 5. ...