
Showing posts from May, 2018

Thinking differently begets behaving differently

Thinking differently begets behaving differently To be an effective leader, you need to think like a leader. But what does that even mean? Successful leaders tend to share habits of thought that set them apart. While these patterns have many elements, they're grounded in an understanding of the power of thought. Everything we think, like everything we do, has consequences. Positive thoughts grow into positive attitudes that in turn grow into positive outcomes--and negative thoughts do the same in the other direction. As the saying goes, we become what we think. Successful leaders understand this principle well, and they express it in specific highly disciplined ways. Here are some examples: 1. Instead of thinking only of themselves, they include others. While most people express their hopes and aspirations in terms like "I hope I get" or "I want to do," successful leaders understand that it's we before I and us before me. Their team, the peopl...

10 Important Skills All Good Leaders Share

It's not about a position or title. It's about the actions you take. If you are in the position to lead, you most certainly want to be a great leader. It's an ambition that can take many forms: You may envision making an impact with your company or making change on a global scale. Whatever your situation, there are specific skills that can help you become the leader you want to be and know you can become. Here are 10 important ones: 1. Build collaboration. One of the most common misunderstandings of leadership is that it's about acquiring power. The best leaders use whatever power they have--and their time and energy--to collaborate with others. Position yourself as a leader who is there to support the success of those around you. You'll find that when they succeed, you succeed. 2. Focus on your team. The people working with you are your most important asset. Be there to serve them by investing in them, appreciating them, and developing them. G...

The Test Every Great Leader Must Pass

Are you a good leader? A great leader? How can you even know? You can take the test…….. Most leaders are too busy to spend much time reflecting on that question, but it really is important to check in once in a while—especially if results, achievement and excellence are important to you. Whether you’re a CEO, a vice president, director, team leader, neighborhood association leader, or parent, you can become a much more effective leader if you keep yourself on track. Take the test: Do you have concise and compelling vision? A great leader has the capacity to create a compelling vision and translate it into reality. When your vision is clear and understandable, it inspires others to help make it happen. Is your vision clear? Do others understand it? Have you inspired them to help you transform it into reality? Have you identified your role and responsibilities? Leadership isn’t earned by a title or position, but great leaders need to understand the scope and boundaries of the...

7 Behaviors That Influence How People Judge Your Personality

Remember: People will judge you by your actions, not your intentions. From the first moment you meet someone, they are--consciously or unconsciously--judging you. Even before you've opened your mouth, they've started the process of assessing who you are and what you're about. That's why it's important to pay attention to the cues you're sending out--especially the ones you don't normally register. Here are seven things to be particularly aware of in yourself: 1. The way you treat others. How you make others feel about themselves says a lot about who you are. People will draw conclusions about your character based on how you treat others--especially people in service positions, those who aren't in a position to help you, and those who are different from you. Do you show the same respect and courtesy to all? 2. The way you stand. Body language is a reflection of your inner self. Are you slumped and slouching, or standing (or sitting) ta...

7 Things You Need to Know to Improve Your Leadership Style

Many of us aspire to great leadership. But how do we recognize what great leadership even looks like? What are the attributes that make leaders great? Here’s one of the most important: Highly effective leaders don’t rely on what they know but constantly work to improve who they are and what they do. Success usually lies between who you are and who you want to be, what you want to do and where you want to go. Here are seven other attributes that great leaders tend to share. Think about which you should be incorporating into your own leadership—and remember that when success is within your reach, you still have to stretch to get to it. 1. They know how to forecast You’d think that most leaders would spend their time thinking of what needs to get done today, but truly great leaders are visionaries who spend significant time forecasting the future. Truly great leaders look ahead. They see things not through the lens of current realities but in light of future possibilities. ...