How the Most Successful People Spend Their Mornings

I believe that morning habits are especially important. If you want to be successful, a set of good morning rituals that you follow faithfully can make a big difference. The probability of your success may well depend on the choices you make about how to spend those critical hours before your workday gets under way. Here are some elements of the morning habits of some of the most successful leaders, that I coach, do on a daily bases. Implement them yourself and watch your effectiveness increase. They start strong and start early. Successful people tend to be up and going strong while the rest of the world is still asleep. However you choose to use it, find some quiet time to prepare for the day—ideally before anyone else is up so there are no distractions. How well you start your day determines how well you live your day. They carve out time for reflection. Set aside time for journaling, reflection, reading, or meditation. Time spent on reflection is never wasted...