
Showing posts from 2021

Managerial Coaching: When Manager becomes a coach

  Managerial Coaching has become increasingly popular in organizations during the past two decades. On the one hand, organizations are making significant efforts to build  internal capability  by training managers to coach. On the other hand, managers, by acting as a coach, are taking more responsibility for helping employees achieve excellent performance. These patterns are beginning to appear as a  trend  as more and more organizations are training their managers to be coaches. We are also seeing more Coaching and Human Resource Development organizations discussing the importance of Managerial Coaching (e.g., SHRM, CIPD, AHRD) and its increasing popularity. In fact, the  2012 CIPD Annual Survey Report  stated that coaching by line managers is rated the second most effective learning and development practice and nearly three times as effective as coaching by external practitioners. Corporations and other organizations, while increasingly realizing the benefits of coaching intervention

How to Master a New Skill

  We all want to be better at something. After all, self-improvement is necessary to getting ahead at work. But once you know what you want to be better at — be it  public speaking , using social media, or analyzing data — how do you start? Of course, learning techniques will vary depending on the skill and the person, but there are some general rules you can follow. What the Experts Say Mastering new skills is not optional in today’s business environment. “In a fast-moving, competitive world, being able to learn new skills is one of the keys to success. It’s not enough to be smart — you need to always be getting smarter,” says Heidi Grant Halvorson, a motivational psychologist and author of the HBR Single  Nine Things Successful People Do Differently . Joseph Weintraub, a professor of management and organizational behavior at Babson College and coauthor of the book,  The Coaching Manager: Developing Top Talent in Business , agrees: “We need to constantly look for opportunities to stre

Understood how consumers are different from the customers.

  Consumer vs Customer is a quite common analysis which is often done because   people   often get confused in between the two terms and interchangeably use them. However, understanding the difference between customer and consumer is quite important to understand their separate roles in the   economic   ideology of   consumerism . The very basic difference between customer vs consumer can be understood with their obvious definitions Consumer Definition A consumer refers to an individual who consumes a product or service. Customer Definition A customer is someone who purchases a product or service. Here you should also understand that a consumer can or can not be a customer, as inclinations and interests of consumers can influence the buying decisions of customers. Let us delve into the world of both- customer and consumer separately to understand the difference- Who is a Consumer ? The consumer is the one who consumes the product or enjoys the services or the end-user. Consumers are th

Signs That Instantly Identify Someone With Bad Leadership Skills

  If you work for such a manager, it may be time to move on. Whenever I speak at events across the country, I break down leadership to its most basic and practical form: It's about meeting the needs of people and developing them to their fullest potential. When employees don't get the tools, training, time, development, expectations, vision, or resources they need to do their jobs well,  they experience low morale ; they stop caring and they stop trying, unfortunately, as  early as the first few weeks on the job . Not every person in a management role is created equal. If I may be candid, some have no business being in the  role of influencing others . When the rubber meets the road, these are five of the most common toxic management behaviors I've encountered over the years.  1. Narcissistic tendencies. In its extreme form, this is unfortunate for both manager and employee. For the manager, it's an actual mental condition known as  narcissistic personality disorder  th

Navy SEALs Use This 7-Step Process to Achieve Any Goal. You Can Too

  No matter how audacious, your goal is doable if you follow these steps. When most of us civilians hear about  Navy SEAL's  capturing terrorists or pulling off hair-raising rescue missions, we stand in awe of their  toughness . But according to Rob Roy, a 25-year veteran of the SEALs and author of  The Navy SEAL Art of War , being a SEAL "is not about being the toughest guy. It's about being the smartest guy." In a  recent Big Think video , Roy explains that while SEALs are clearly incredible warriors, they rely on careful planning and battle-tested approaches to leadership, as much as sheer strength and bravery. Accomplishing jaw-dropping things, Roy explains, is less about innate  grit  than you probably think, and more about process. Roy lays out the seven-step approach SEALs use to tackle even the most daunting missions, so you can adapt it to achieve your own biggest, scariest goals. 1. Ask clarifying questions. Clearly, in military situations it's essential