22 Characteristics of High-Potential Employees

Even if your team is made up solely of supremely talented individuals, there are always a few employees who stand out from the pack. According to the Harvard Business Review , these high-potential employees account for an average of 5% of any company’s workforce. High-potential employees (HiPos) excel in their current roles, but they also possess the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in managerial positions and senior roles, too. Importance of identifying top talent for employers High-potential employees need to know that you recognize their potential. In fact, a recent study showed that 77% of HiPos feel that being recognized as high-potential talent is important to them. These workers want help in identifying a career path and they also want support in carving that path. For these reasons, it’s critical that managers identify HiPos early on in order to retain them and keep them engaged. Employers who identify top tale...