Navy SEALs Use This 7-Step Process to Achieve Any Goal. You Can Too

No matter how audacious, your goal is doable if you follow these steps. When most of us civilians hear about Navy SEAL's capturing terrorists or pulling off hair-raising rescue missions, we stand in awe of their toughness . But according to Rob Roy, a 25-year veteran of the SEALs and author of The Navy SEAL Art of War , being a SEAL "is not about being the toughest guy. It's about being the smartest guy." In a recent Big Think video , Roy explains that while SEALs are clearly incredible warriors, they rely on careful planning and battle-tested approaches to leadership, as much as sheer strength and bravery. Accomplishing jaw-dropping things, Roy explains, is less about innate grit than you probably think, and more about process. Roy lays out the seven-step approach SEALs use to tackle even the most daunting missions, so you can adapt it to achieve your own biggest, scariest goals. 1. Ask clarifying questions. Clearly, in military situatio...