
Showing posts from October, 2016

15 Things You Should Be Able to Say About Yourself

Your life is your voice, and what you say about yourself reflects who you are. What can you say about yourself? We can say many things--good and bad--but we all want to be able to say things that will make us feel good about ourselves and our influence on others. If you want to be successful, if you want to be happy, if you want to be healthy, the way to cultivate that life is to know you are living a life that is meaningful. Here are a few things you should be able to say to let your life be your voice. 1. I followed my heart. Life is short and everyone has something that they are passionate about. Be able to say that you didn't let fear hold you back. The cost of not following your heart is spending the rest of your life wishing you had. 2. I believe in myself. Even if you fail, it doesn't mean you will continue to fail. Be able to say you believed in yourself and kept trying. Everything that is successful will begin with you believing in yourself. ...

My Leadership Diaries: Are you adjusting your P Factor ?

Leadership isnt just about leading. Its about mentoring, bringing teams together and creative a value based engagement that the leader and team both can benefit out of. But in reality this all looks good in theory. In reality all organizations have to deal with the P factor.. What is a P Factor anyways? Actually it is an aerodynamic phenomenon experienced by a moving propeller ( much like an organization), that is responsible for the asymmetrical relocation of the propeller's center of thrust ( causing organizational/teams to function sub-optimally ) when an aircraft is at a high angle of attack ( when the teams are in an execution mode ) . This shift in the location of the center of thrust will exert a yawing moment on the aircraft, causing it to yaw slightly to one side. A rudder input ( anchoring force of leadership ) is required to counteract the yawing tendency  It is the P Factor that causes the organization to go off course because like in...

What’s New In Leadership?

Leadership is a hot topic. Everywhere you look, great leaders are sharing insight and information. Everyone wants to know what is  new   in leadership. But with so much talk about leadership what can we bring to the table that is  new ? How can we keep the conversation fresh? Sometimes what is new is difficult to see. It is difficult because so many of leadership’s fundamentals are unchanged. As time passes, the behaviors, actions, and practices of an effective leader tend to look familiar. However, what  doesn’t  look familiar is our workplace. What has changed is our culture. Things are different now then they were five, ten, twenty years ago. Our workplace culture is drastically different. Technology has changed everything. Information is available immediately and on a 24-hour news cycle. Ideas move very far and very fast. And with a workforce that is constantly plugged in, the line between work time and personal time is blur...

7 Powerful Ways to Turn Every Failure Into Success

How much you learn when you fail determines how far you go in creating success. Failure is part of life, and most certainly part of business. We don't often acknowledge it, but failure is also a fundamental element of our success. Our instinct is to be ashamed of failure, maybe because we don't like how it makes us feel--humiliated, as though we have done something wrong. But if you can shift your perspective and look at failure not as something to be ashamed of but something valuable, you can begin to understand that it's through failure that we truly learn to succeed. The sooner we stop shaming our failures, the easier it will be to turn them to our advantage. Here are seven points to think about: 1. Mistakes are not a problem, but not taking the opportunity to learn from them is.   Identify your mistakes and learn from them quickly. Many successful people have experienced some kind of failure--and they build on those lessons. Learning to fail well means l...

The Question You Should Ask Yourself Every Day

Every morning, when we are given the privilege to wake up and embark on a new day, we are also given the opportunity to grow as individuals. One of the most important questions you can ask yourself daily is, “ How can I grow today? ”  That particular question is powerful because when you start your day by asking yourself what are the ways you can grow, your mind will go to work on finding the answers. Related:  3 Actions to Take to Get the Epic Life You Deserve For the longest of time, I would constantly focus more on my work than I would on myself. I would become more frustrated as time went on, because here I was spending a ridiculous amount of time working on tasks, projects and other things while not focusing one bit on growing into a better me. Jim Rohn once said, " Work harder on yourself than you do your job. If you work hard on your job you can make a living. If you work hard on yourself you can make a fortune ."  ...

Science Says Introverts Lead the Best Companies!

Should we really be looking for great, big personalities to run the company? You know what it takes to succeed in business--you've got to command respect. Ooze leadership. Bleed charisma. Take control from the minute you walk in the room. At least, that's the stereotypical successful CEO in a nutshell. We're conditioned from early education to believe that the traits typically associated with extroversion are desirable if we want to be leaders in business: openness, outgoing nature, and oodles and oodles of confidence. We're taught to speak authoritatively; to be fantastic orators. We're told to project confidence. Own the room. After all, it takes a great, big personality to dominate a negotiation, inspire an investor, or motivate an entire company of workers. What if that didn't really matter after all? Scary thought, right? How would we know what to look for in a company leader? Well, a  recent study  by researchers at Harvard, Stanford ...

How Mental Strength Affects Performance

No one should be too surprised to learn that Mental Strength is closely linked to performance at work, in the classroom or in the field of athletics. For instance, the research shows that this factor can influence performance in tests by as much as 25%. There are a few reasons why this may be the case. It could be that people who are mentally strong will read through each question on a test and decide how to answer before they write anything down. People who are mentally sensitive, by contrast, may quickly write down short answers to each question and move on – sometimes failing to really address the question at hand. The goal then, is to increase mental strength for higher performance academically and in every other area of life. People who are mentally strong also tend to perform better in the workplace. Their Mental Strength seems to help them to set and achieve goals and other performance benchmarks. These individuals are eager to accept a challenge, confidently face adve...

5 Important Life Lessons Steve Jobs Wanted You to Learn

Jobs knew better than anyone how to get the most out of life. Here's his philosophy in his own words. If you want to learn how to get the most out of your life, there isn't a much better teacher than Steve Jobs , who appeared to pack several lifetimes, never mind several careers, into his 56 years on our planet. And though Jobs did not discuss his life or his unconventional choices in public all that often, one notable exception was his commencement speech to Stanford's 2005 graduating class, where he laid out his philosophy as lessons anyone can follow. That speech is so justifiably admired that there's a text of it hidden in the software of every Macintosh computer, if you know how to find it. Here's what Jobs had to say to the Stanford graduates, and all of us: 1. Follow your heart and trust that it knows where it's going. Six months into his first year at Reed College, Jobs dropped out-a very big deal, since his biological mother had made co...

How to Tame the Negative Talk in Your Mind

What you tell yourself every day will either lift you up or tear you down. It's one of the most destructive forces you'll ever have to face, and it's inside your own head. It's that negative, judgmental voice telling you  you're not smart enough  or  you don't work hard enough  or  you don't deserve to succeed . We all have a constantly running soundtrack of self-talk in our head. It's stronger in some than in others, and the content is variable, too. A lot of it is harmless, even helpful--"Don't forget, you're meeting with John"--but if your inner voice ever takes a negative turn, you need to know how to tame it. Here are eight powerful ways to quiet your negative self-talk: 1. Listen to what you're telling yourself as if you were telling it to other people . None of us would ever speak to anyone the way we speak to ourselves. We're too often negative, condescending, and just outright rude. Learn to treat y...