Napoleon Hill’s 16 Essential Personal Development Fundamentals

Beginning in 1908, Napoleon Hill would spend the next 20 years personally interviewing over 100 of America’s wealthiest captains of industry, including:
Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, John D. Rockefeller, Charles M. Schwab, F. W. Woolworth, William Wrigley Jr., Harvey Samuel Firestone, Alexander Graham Bell, even Theodore Roosevelt, among many others.
…literally the “men who built America.”
The project was commissioned by Andrew Carnegie to further young Hill’s ambitions of documenting and teaching the strategies of financial success. Hill was offered no compensation, only the opportunity to meet with Carnegie’s network of the most successful men of the age.
This was the genesis of the personal development genera.

“It’s a shame that each new generation must find the way to success by trial and error when the principles are really clear-cut.”
─ Andrew Carnegie

As stated, Hill would spend the next two decades distilling and systematizing the proven formula for creating phenomenal wealth.
Hill indeed found that success, rather than being a chance occurrence, is actually a relatively simple and repeatable process – a series of steps – that anyone can easily understand and achieve.
In his 1928 masterpiece, The Laws of Success in 16 Lessons (which predates the more well-known 1937 publication, Think and Grow Rich!), he first outlined this formula for financial greatness.

Here is a brief outline of Hill’s 16 “Fundamentals of Success”:

1. The Master Mind

Hill explains that a “Master Mind” is born from the union of two or more minds, and that it requires perfect harmony to survive. Basically, when two or more individuals focus their efforts on a common purpose, they will achieve much more than they ever could on their own.
What this means for you: Have you ever heard the expression, “two heads are better than one?” It’s like talking to a close friend over coffee about starting a new project, and all of a sudden you’re inspired and energized, building on each other’s ideas, and coming up with an actionable plan to accomplish your common goals. The concept of the Master Mind is central to Hill’s teachings, and the only Law he credits himself as discovering. (In fact, it is so important that we’ll return to it later.)

2. A Definite Chief Aim

According to Hill, “a Definite Chief Aim will teach you how to save the wasted effort which the majority of people expend in trying to find their lifework.” It takes a well-coordinated effort to achieve success─whatever your definition of success might be. In order to properly channel a group’s effort, all individuals must focus on a specific goal in order to attain it.
What this means for you: You can’t get from point A to point B if you don’t know where (or what) point B is. Think about where you want your business to be in a year or two. Are you looking to build a bigger team by the end of the year? Do you want to increase your sales by the end of the month? Figure out what you’re goal is so you can focus all your efforts─and the efforts of everyone within your Master Mind─toward actually achieving it.

3. Self-Confidence

In Hill’s words: “Self-confidence is based upon sound knowledge of what you know and what you can do.” To achieve Self-Confidence you must first eliminate the demon called fear, that voice inside your head whispering, “You can’t do it!” and, “You’re afraid to even try!”
What this means for you: To close a sale, build a successful business, or win a soccer match, you have to believe you can actually do it! Regardless of your goals, and despite how organized your Master Mind might be, you’ll never achieve anything unless you believe in yourself. Self-confidence is a contagious quality that will drive you and all who follow you toward success!

4. The Habit of Saving

According to Hill, “No one may succeed in life without saving money. There is no exception to this rule, and no one may escape it.” The Habit of Saving must replace the Habit of Spending in order for you to attain financial independence.
What this means for you: Unfortunately, most people are in the habit of buying (things they don’t really need). If left unchecked, this habit will drown you in debt before you know it. If you’re serious about achieving financial independence, break the habit of spending all your money before your next paycheck, and build the habit of saving a portion of your income regularly.

5. Initiative and Leadership

In Hill’s words, “Leadership is essential for the attainment of Success, and Initiative is the very foundation upon which this necessary quality of Leadership is built.” Initiative is basically the quality that drives a person to do whatever needs to be done without being told to do it. Those who exercise Initiative with Self-Confidence and a clear purpose in mind are true leaders.
What this means for you: A leader will never force his objectives onto unwilling followers. Lead by example and empower your team members so you can work together to achieve your common goals, whether you wish to build a six-figure income, increase your monthly sales, or build a bigger team.

6. Imagination

In Hill’s own words, “Imagination will stimulate your mind so that you will conceive new ideas and develop new plans which will help you in attaining the object of your Definite Chief Aim.” Initiative drives a leader to move forward, while Imagination allows him to conceive a plan to attain a Definite Chief Aim, bringing the Master Mind closer to achieving its goals.
What this means for you: Using your imagination will provide you with solutions to problems that might stand in the way of your success and financial independence. It allows you to take everything you’ve learned and create new and wonderful combinations that will bring you closer to success. Don’t be afraid to dream!

7. Enthusiasm

According to Hill, “Enthusiasm is a state of mind that inspires and arouses one to put action into the task at hand.” Enthusiasm is to a person what steam is to a locomotive; it is a moving force that triggers action. Furthermore, it is a vital factor in salesmanship as well as public speaking, and it affects the enthusiast as well as all those who come in contact with him.
What this means for you: Time ceases to exist when you’re doing something with Enthusiasm; any task will feel simple to you, regardless of how difficult, monotonous or dull it may seem to others. If you’re having trouble writing a blog post, creating an ad, or recording a video for your YouTube channel, inject some enthusiasm into it by visualizing how much closer you’ll be to achieving your goals once you’ve completed the task that lies before you.

8. Self-Control

In Hill’s words, “Enthusiasm is the vital quality that arouses you to action, while self-control is the balance wheel that directs your action so that it will build up and not tear down.” A well-balanced person is one whose Enthusiasm and Self-Control are equalized.
What this means for you: Controlling your emotions when a potential customer points out a design flaw in your company’s products, or keeping a positive mindset when you feel overwhelmed by self-doubt is what Self-Control is all about. Channel your enthusiasm toward attaining your ultimate goal, and always keep your eyes on the prize rather than retreating into or maintaining your comfort zone.

9. The Habit of Doing More Than Paid For

According to Hill, “Those who render more service and better service than that for which they are paid sooner or later receive pay for much more than they actually do.” He also states that no one can become a real leader without making this habit a part of his everyday life.
What this means for you: Do you have a blog or website? If so, it might seem that visitors aren’t spending a dime to read your content, but this is not the case. People who read your posts are spending their time (which they can never reclaim). They expect to get something in return, even if it’s just a few minutes of entertainment, a funny joke, or a quick tip about how to use Facebook PPC more efficiently. Always exceed expectations. By doing more than you’re paid to do, you will immediately stand out from the rest, as you gain experience, increase your value, and perhaps even learn new skills.

10. Pleasing Personality

In Hill’s words, “Enthusiasm is the foundation of a Pleasing Personality, and you must have such a personality in order to influence others to co-operate with you.” A Pleasing Personality makes use of Imagination and Co-Operation, and it will enable you to remove mountains of obstacles if it is used with intelligence.
What this means for you: To develop a Pleasant Personality you must become the type of person you would like to be surrounded by. Have you ever had a “bad feeling” about someone you’ve just met for the first time…the “funny feeling” that this new acquaintance is not to be trusted? Potential customers can naturally sense a “desperate salesman,” someone whose sole purpose in life is to suck their wallets dry─and you definitely don’t want to be that person! Keeping your customers’ needs in mind and taking a genuine interest in their lives before you even think about pitching your product is the best way to ensure your customers don’t feel the need to put up a defensive barrier when dealing with you.

11. Accurate Thought

Hill states that “Accurate thought is based upon FACTS and not upon hearsay evidence or mere information.” There is a lot of information available to you, and facts are the pieces of information you have analyzed enough to consider as true. In order to think accurately, you must first learn to differentiate facts from mere information. Then categorize Facts as relevant or irrelevant; basically, any facts you can use to attain your Definite Chief Aim should be considered relevant – anything else is irrelevant.
What this means for you: There is an infinite amount of information out there (especially in the “Age of the Internet”) for anybody looking to build a business. Between advertising, the news, and social media it’s difficult to determine what information is actually worth looking at. Learn to distinguish the useful bits from the overwhelming amount of noise and you’ll be on the right track to achieving attaining your goals.

12. Concentration

In Hill’s words, “Concentration is the act of focusing the mind upon a given desire until ways and means for its realization have been worked out and successfully put into operation.” In other words, Concentration is the ability to control your thoughts and focus your attention on a specific problem until it has been solved in order to reach a Definite Chief Aim.
What this means for you: When building a business or trying to market a product─especially if you’re just getting started─it is easy to get sidetracked by the need to learn a new skill, the constant pressure to create new content, or simply by life itself. Concentrate on one thing at a time to actually get things done, and learn to prioritize your business-related activities according to their importance.

13. Co-operation

According to Hill, “No man can accomplish enduring results of a far-reaching nature without the aid and Co-operation of others.” Hill defines “Co-operation” as the organized effort among people who work together to attain a given end. Humanity has realized that it is only through Cooperation that we are able to survive, a principle which can be applied to the most basic forms of life all the way to the mightiest human endeavors.
What this means for you: Cooperation among your team members is crucial to building a successful business; it empowers every member involved and drives the group as a whole towards success. A business is a machine…it will only function properly when all its parts are working together for one single purpose.

14. Failure

Hill states that “Every failure will teach you a lesson that you need to learn if you will keep your eyes and ears open and be willing to be taught.” He also states that the term “Temporary Defeat” should be used instead of “Failure,” since adversity builds the solid character required to succeed in any endeavor, and it is but a minor setback in the road to reaching your goals.
What this means for you: Fear of failure is usually what keeps people from taking action. It’s what makes people wonder “what if?” for the rest of their days. If you are focused and determined, failing will only bring you closer to achieving success. Make mistakes, as long as you don’t make the same mistake twice, and learn from each and every fall.

15. Tolerance

According to Hill, “Co-operation and Tolerance are the foundation of enduring success.” Intolerance is a form of ignorance; it is the product of religious and racial prejudices which in turn cause foolish arguments among people who should be friends. Intolerance fills people’s minds with doubt and mistrust. Intolerance leads to missed opportunities.
What this means for you: Could a person’s race or religious beliefs actually impact the overall success of your business? Would you reject a hardworking team member simply because he is Hispanic, or Jewish, or Middle-Eastern? Religious and racial intolerance has repeatedly caused humanity to destroy itself. Don’t let intolerance obstruct your path to success!

16. The Golden Rule

There is a universal law of human conduct: “Do unto others as you wish them to do unto you.” According to Hill, this concept stretches far beyond actions, extending to each and every one of your thoughts as well: “Think of others as you wish them to think of you.” The lack of understanding of the philosophy behind this universal law of human conduct has caused millions of people to fail and remain in poverty throughout their lives.
What this means for you: Call it karma, poetic justice, or simply the Universe trying to balance itself. Despite your religious beliefs, you must understand that every kindness has its rewards, and every unkind action has its consequences. Help others build their business so they can, in turn, help you build yours.

The cornerstone of Hill’s formula…

Threaded throughout the 1,400 page, multi-volume Laws of Success, Hill repeatedly returns to one foundational lesson: a “secret” that built vast financial empires during economic panics, recessions, and even a few depressions. The very first step to success, Chapter One, which Hill considered the absolute most important, is to…

…join a “Master Mind.

In Hill’s words, a Master Mind is “developed through the harmonious cooperation of two or more people who ally themselves for the purpose of accomplishing any given task.”
You’re probably familiar with the idea, but basically, Hill is describing a “mindshare” that’s greater than the sum of its individual parts.
Hill theorized that minds are both broadcasting and receiving stations and that Master Minds create a synergistic effect at the atomic level through complimentary vibrations.(Keep in mind when this was written, too!)
Baffled that no textbooks spoke of these principles in his day, Hill noticed that ALL the great men of his day made a priority of engaging in frequent Master Minds.
In fact, Ford, Edison, and Firestone all made a habit of going on a yearly retreat into the woods to Master Mind without any distractions.

Hill considered the Master Mind the foundation underlying ALL the other lessons of success.

He so firmly believed in the Master Mind that he stated the knowledge of its power is what differentiates leaders from followers.
Now, you might be saying to yourself…
“Well, this all sounds great, but I don’t regularly have the opportunity to Master Mind’ with the big earners and leaders of my profession.”
Don’t get me wrong, when most entrepreneurs start their journey they often feel alone, lacking in guidance and support…much less encouragement!
Well I’ve got some good news…
Here at Elite Marketing Pro we’ve designed a coaching program that opens the door to an exclusive opportunity for you to Master Mind with our team of successful entrepreneurs.
You’ll be able to ask your most pressing questions about how to succeed in this industry.
You’ll learn to meet your income goals as quickly and easily as possible.
And most importantly, you’ll discover how to eliminate any negative beliefs which will limit your success and keep you from achieving the lifestyle of your dreams.

“No man has a chance to enjoy permanent success until he begins to look in a mirror for the real cause of all of his mistakes.”
– Napoleon Hill

Can you imagine how refreshing it will be to get real answers…from real leaders?
No “fluff.” No hype. No confusion. No indecision.
Just a clear action plan for how to “make it” in this industry from successful leaders who’ve stood in your shoes…and created phenomenal personal and professional success.
Picture what this would do for your business.
Well, today you have that opportunity
Tamer El Sagheer


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