Steve Jobs Asked Himself One Question Every Day. You Should Too

You can move closer to your ideal work and life. Here's how If today were the last day of your life, would you want to be doing what you're doing? Every day of his working life, Steve Jobs looked in the mirror and asked himself that question, he told a Stanford graduating class in a justly famous speech. "Whenever the answer has been no for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something," he added. He lived by his word. At Apple, then NeXT , then Pixar, then Apple again, the answer was most often yes. So much so that he spent much of the last two or so years of his life continuing his work at Apple despite being desperately ill with pancreatic cancer. He worked right up to the day before he died. We should all ask ourselves the same question. If you knew you were in the last day, the last month, or the last year of your life, would you want to be doing the work you're doing now? Would you want the life you're living? If the ans...