5 Ways To Manage Different Personality Types

Here is fun little task for you. Take a quick look around your office or premises. You will quickly realise you are working alongside a wide variety of personality types. Can you pick them out? The joker, the perfectionist, the thinker, the risk-taker….
A mix is vital for balance, but as a business owner or manager, there is no doubt that dealing with multiple personalities can be challenging. It’s your job to make sure everyone on your team is being as productive as possible, and this may mean having to treat everyone a little bit differently to do so.
As a leader in your business you must learn to be versatile in how you lead, communicate and motivate your employees. What works for one employee may not work for another. The more effective you are at changing your managing style to suit your employee, the more effectively your employees will carry out their assignments.
Here are 5 Ways to Manage Different Personality Types:
  1. What personality type is each of your employees?
Using a personal assessment tool like DISC to analyse different personality types is a great way to help you understand your employee’s personalities better, and what management style they respond best to.
In DISC the are 4 personality components are as follows

  1. Build a relationship
To make it easier to manage people who don’t like to be managed, try building a relationship with them first. When you build this relationship with an employee you maybe be surprised at how loyal they become. With good working relationships come good results in the business.
  1. Set the bar high
Lead by example – if you set the standards high in your own work this will push your employees standards up and let them know what is expected. Use your employee’s skills to your advantage when setting out tasks and praise them for a job well done.
  1. Know what is important to your employees
When it come to your employees, knowing what drives them is hugely important to help motive them in work. For a young employee it may be to grow into a more senior position within the company. Help them achieve this goal by setting targets for them to meet and by provided training along the way.
  1. Don’t take things personally
When you are managing your team you need to remember not to take their reluctance to follow your directions too personally. Identify their personality, win over their trust and you will start to see things change for the better.
When it comes to managing a team it’s never a walk in the park, but when you figure it out it can be highly rewarding for everyone involved and for the success of the business. I hope these few tip will help you lead your team to greatness in the future.
Tamer Elsagheer



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